Ghaddul Bashar

"Sesungguhnya bukanlah mata itu yang buta tetapi hati yang letaknya di dalam jasad itu yang buta"

Saturday, January 30, 2010

What kind of flower are you?
Your Result is: Anthurium
You are hard to find but your love lasts. You know when others need you. You are sensitive of others’ feelings. People around you are doing all that they can, for you to stay with them.

Alhamdulillah, Allah bagi lagi nyawa kat kita pagi ni. Maka sebaiknya jadilah hambaNYA yang bersyukur sentiasa. Siapa tahu esok lusa akan tiba waktunya kita meninggalkan apa yang fana.

Bila tiada kerja, puas membaca. Inilah kegiatan saya~ jawab tag or online chess. Saya boleh jadi orang yang cepat bosan kadang-kadang kalau asyik monotonous. This category also applied to people. So keep in pace with me, but I'm hardly get people to know. Haha. Its common character of middle-child. Honestly, I made more mistakes when I'm hide the truths. So since then, I let it out. Uhuh, feel sooo good though it might be hurt someone. Bak kata pepatah Arab~ 'Qulilhaq walaukana murron' : Berkatalah benar sekalipun ia pahit. Pahitnya sekejap saja kan? Oh ya, orang perempuan paling tak suka dengan orang yang tak jujur ye.

Anthurium? Hantu+Aquarium? Hmm..Might be. I not fond of flower~ except for this one. Purple pinkish flower~Lilac.


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