Ghaddul Bashar

"Sesungguhnya bukanlah mata itu yang buta tetapi hati yang letaknya di dalam jasad itu yang buta"

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My Precious You

'Harta dan anak-anak adalah perhiasan kehidupan dunia tetapi amalan-amalan yangkekal algi soleh adalah lebih baik pahalanya di sisi Tuhanmu serta lebih baikdijadikan harapan' (Surah Al Kahfi: 46)

Nothing much to write, but I love to share a bit 'bout my current and 1st carWell, I'm expecting another car after years working!When it came to a decisionto buy a car,life for me seem so hard. I need to choose a perfect,affordableand equip my need as a 'little' girl who had to stand on her own foot.Find a good agent, company and service,payment,interest. Took two months to deal with it now I know at least a piece of information on how to buy car.Because from the start, I imagine that both my dad and bro will take care everything but the plan not going smoothly. What to do? If only I had a husband(to-hire).Gheez..

Suzuki Swift always been my first choice needless to say about the price. I love compact car, save fuel, easy to park, small but spacious. But here in Sarawak, the price is too much furthermore nothing much you can do about the interest rate even for imported one.
GETZ! I already caught my eyes on her. In addition I want something similarto my dad's Matrix.

Like father like daughter. So blue sky, get ready for me.So far so good except some minor injuries that cause but unmannered driver. My caralready sustained few scratch..oh no! But lucky that only the paint wear off.Not to comment about the tint, I don't know how to explain since it was too darkabout 60%.First I saw it, speechless. My agent had tinted it as a special token(actually I asked for free tint). Huh, whatever lah my car already beingso 'high class'.

Since my dad always had eye on imported car, so do I. That's not meanI underestimate the local by the way, my bro's Persona..Pips's? Ask her?I don't want any problem in future so I need to find that are tougherand had better endurance under hard and tough circumstances.
Taking care of your own asset aka liability is burden anyway. If I was at homeit is my dad's task to look after my car..hehe.Me? Just happily drive.Typical woman driver~but I know a lot after all.

ok, that's all.Next time I tell you some more cat.Hey, since whenI had one? My future car? My home sweet home? my oh my!macam karangan budak darjah 3 je.

Apapun saya mengharapkan kenderaan yang saya guna ini menjadi salah satu kemudahandan alat untuk saya mendapat keredhaanNYA serta mencari rezeki yang halal thoyyiban.

'Dialah yang menjalankan kamu di darat dan di laut (dengan diberikan kemudahanmenggunakan berbagai-bagai kenderaan..'ila akhirul ayat' (Surah Yunus :22)

I'm looking forward October. Why? Actually, I'm don't know too.It is just my gut feeling?Just wait and see if anything happened.Hopefully the good ones. InsyaAllah.

"Wahai Tuhan, tidak ada orang boleh menyekat Engkau daripada memberikan sesuatukepada sesiapa dan tidak ada orang yang boleh memberikan sesuatu yang Engkauhalangi pemberian itu" (drpd Al Mughirah bin Shu'bah,Sahih Bukhari,Hadith NO 799)


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