Spread The Wing..
Once I had read a Doremon comic book back 15 years ago, a story on how a mother of dandelion convinced her son to face the world since he was not brave enough to encounter new life without his mother. Finally,the mother's word had convienced him to fly and spread his wing to world. No matter how much and difficult the obstacle and hardship you face, remember that it was just a small piece of life and soon you'll learn thus facing it all alone without looking back. Trully inspiring to know this.
It just relieve to have someone to confide in. Someone you trust and never justified what you have done yet correcting. Someone who listen and put it deep down into her heart then never say a word to another. Someone who take the secret and embedded it and never let anyone cross over it. I get to nurture this habit, if it was my secret then let it safe in mine..and if it was anyone then let it safe in mine too..no doubt. Private always be private. That why the envelope strictly written 'PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL'. Trust me, once you spread the secret..tell me who's going to trust you anymore? NO ONE.
At Thursday, 11 September, 2008, Ummu Yazid said…
bestnye enti..
ana dah x tau nk ckp pe dgn my parents
sigh...am i still a baby to my mom?
At Thursday, 11 September, 2008, Anonymous said…
her children will always be her baby even after get married! that's reality. i'm stubborn~so my parent had to accept it.heee...
At Friday, 12 September, 2008, Anonymous said…
i was stubborn, but my mom refused to talk to look to me, so ive to be down to earth..huhu..x pelah, buat baik to ur parents is jihad..:)
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