Ku Mungkir Janji..
How many times I did this? What's more to my mom, everytime thinking about that..urgh, my tears came out.Ohoh, mom I didn't have any intention to make you feel sad."Hmm, you said you want to come back home but till the evening I can't see your existance at home..hardly" .When you said that, half of my heart suddenly shrink to the lowest. I didn't blame anyone or anything but you know..this might be change a little bit if 'everyone' (actually I pointed it out to some group of 'always missing in action' people) participate and make the work less burden.
Sometimes, I pity for them or should I say certain person who had to work hard because some of 'them' so lazy to do anything..who just want to take a nice sleep and weekend holiday at home sweet home.Don't they have hearts? I know somehow maybe they had an excuse why they had to do this,but it's for everytime,everyday and every moment? Ok, mind your own bussiness, madam! Ops, sorry!
Looked like, I have to do the same 'ritual' for every Hari Raya..tersengih2 depan mak, "mak please forgive me for doing this and that which might broken your heart" and guess what will mom say to me.."next year buat lagi...hai,anak2 mak ni.Selalu je mcm ni" Huhu, suddenly memory seeps in mind-mak jarang akan marah kami ,sebabnya kami selalu buat lawak2 yang membuatkan mak tak jadi nak marah..kan..kan Pips?
This Hari Raya, we travel by Matrix and Atos so no more van.Luckily, this year there are 2 more driver..for sure I cannot sleep when they drive, mcm hantu bw kete,but they are truly dedicated driver. "Erm, abg Udin can you please fetch us at ..." "Ok, let's go babeh!" Haha, take advantage! Then, our early planning to join our brother in -law and sis's car-wonder my Kedah's accent is to what extent.Good, Better or Excellent ?Should ask him later, I just get to know he's graduated from Michigan University so..I should take this chance to polish and 'brushing' my broken Manglish, English or American accent too. Rrrr..rrr.
At Tuesday, 10 October, 2006,
A person get to know life said…
Masuk yang ni, dah 2nd time ana demam..batuk, selsema..akibat mendapat jangkitan virus dr kwn segroup(walhal Ig rendah=)Maybe sebab demam rindu kat ...(haha,saje je nak buat korang tertanya2)mak, ayah and adik beradik!...UBAT, Oh tidak!!
(lagi lama ana sakit,lagi byk dosa2 ana diampunkan,tp itu dinamakan zalim pd diri sndr pulak kan?)
At Tuesday, 10 October, 2006,
hiten mitsurugi said…
Dulu sbb perli ana dapat ulcer..Kali ni sape lah yang dia perli.Erm, pi lah jumpa shbt 'MIA' anti tuh. Borak2lah dengan depa.. Depa ada hati dan perasaan juga seperti yang kita ada. Kita rasa susah sbb depa tak giat aktif, tapi tahukah dia mungkin rasa susah sbb kita??
At Tuesday, 10 October, 2006,
hiten mitsurugi said…
maaf kalau tersalah nilai situasi..
At Tuesday, 10 October, 2006,
A person get to know life said…
Dah puas korek...tp itulah,susah nak faham org kan..kan
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