Join me..playing with 'bedak'
Holiday..oh holiday. I'm end up with doing nothing except attending several wedding ceremony in a row.Yesterday, alhamdulillah I met my sweet2 best friend during her bro-in law wedding. Huhu..a mom-2-be in 2 months times insyaAllah, happy to see her again..of course, a lot to share and talk relieve!Oh, I dont take to heart when everyone start to raise this common question~bila nak kawin?'. I just smile sheepishly as usual..oh alot to think of lately..but no conclution yet..haha so what the purpose I thinking about it then?
This week, I had to make some visit to KL.Yup,KL is our second house for some reasons. But, for sure, KL life is not suit at all. Preferably~Perak;my father's hometown..but foremost of course Kelantan Darul Naim. Boxes of books need to be settle down first.After 5 years, I barely had to admit that I wasted bundles of papers for no purpose of drawings, poems...even short essays.Unfortunetly, I had to get rid of them. Last day in USMKK really get me into tears,after 5 years..5 years, time flew quickly.
Having hard times in exams, clinic and during presentation that had been the most valuable and priceless moments. Do I have the guts to undergo this once again.Well,let se after I polish my skill and knowledge within 3 years. I love to treat and I love to teach. But then, family come first.
I always think about I'm going to be if not a dentist?Well, I cannot imagine anything else other than dentistry.Bluffing Fizah..hehe.To future to-be dentist, 'play' hard and work smartly/hard. Don't take it easy, knowledge come and go in a time. Happy learning and teaching others..
Live life like worth..
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