Jubah Ungu Itu..
From left (up): Umar, Fikri, Amnah, Aini, Yana, Suhainah, Chique. (below) K.Zenty, Zeti, Fiza Kama, Bitah.
All well end well. Eventhough at the beginning a lot of things going on my way and nearly get drown~when Allah said 'Kun Fayakun' everything went on His Way. So, why bother? Let alone all the obstacles, we survive on our way bi'iznillah anyway.
Since we are small family it was easier to gather us but not all were included. That moments will be memories for the rest of our life. Moments to cherish. We played, we studied, we worked hard, we faced rejections, we being scolded, we failed, we succeced and eventually we won this five years race. Together we unite, we unite for strength. Anyway, is not me to recall all past things~not my subject to mourn and grieve on things that we cannot hold them. What left behind should be at theirs yet rememberance is nice.
From left (up): K.Aisyah, Ang, Nezi, Arni, K.Tengku, (urs truly), Ada, Wai Ying, K.Ida, Mei Ling, K.Yani, K.Nani. (below) Didie, K.Zue, Zanna, Ilyana, Nik
I'll be far away yet too close to your heart dearie friend who sad that I'll be working away from her. If Allah will, I will visit you at USM once in a blue moon. I love you for being a true listener, accept what I'm about and respect my decisions and foremost what I am to you. My prayers always with you.
Postscriptum: " Ya Allah ya Tuhanku..janganlah Kau jadikan dunia ini suatu kerunsingan buat kami, tetapi jadikanlah akhirat itu suatu kerinduan kepada kami.."
~Doa Rasulullah s.a.w
At Wednesday, 20 August, 2008,
Anonymous said…
Dr Hafizah..izinkan sy ambil semua gmbr ni :)
ada yg tak de dlm gmbr..mira, adlin, sya,(hmm sape lg ekk)
At Thursday, 21 August, 2008,
Anonymous said…
rmai lg..yue ming,ju-z,cella n bbrpa org lg.great moment to see all of us though jobless lgk kan..
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